What is Asthma?
Chronic inflammatory disease of the airways followed by wheezing, shortness of breath,
cough and tightness of chest.
What are the symptoms of asthma?
- Frequent Cough especially at night.
- Short ness of breath.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Feeling tired.
- Whistling sound during exhaling.
- Recurrent infections like sneezing, running nose, sore throat etc.
- Difficulty in speaking.
What are all the triggers of asthma?
Asthma, probably due to genetic and environmental allergic factors. Following are the
triggers of asthma.
- Allergies due to various causes, like house dust, pollens, dander, feathers, hairs of pet animals, perfumes, chemicals, etc.
- Smoke.
- Respiratory infections.(viral and bacterial)
- Physical exercise.
- Cold air.
- Emotions and stress.
- Changes in the weather.
- Gastro esophageal reflux disease.etc.
Complications of asthma:
- Status asthmaticus.(repeated bouts of asthma attacks without interval)
- Secondary infections of the lung.(Ex: tuberculosis, bronchitis)
- Emphysema.(abnormal enlargement of air spaces, distal to terminal bronchiole)
- Asphyxia
- Pneumothorax.
- Cardiac arrest.
- Esnophilia.
- Respiratory failure.
- Hospitalization.
- Death.
If any hospitalization need for asthma?
- Indicative signs of hospitalization in asthma are
- Persistent cough.
- Persistent sweating.
- Cyanosis.(bluish coloration of lips, finger nails and tongue)
- Fast heart rate .
- Difficulty in breathing, breathing by rib and neck muscles.
- Rapid respiration.
- Severe wheezing.
- Confused stage of mind.
swasakasam , which was characterized by
- Tightness of chest
- Difficulty in breathing
- During breathing the sound is like ( குழல், யாழ்)
- Cough without expectoration
It is classified in to five catagories.They are
1.Vali eraippu
2.Iyya eraippu
3. Iyya vali eraippu
4.Mukkutra eraippu
5.Mel nokku eraippu
All the symptoms are followed by indigestion of food. The main symptoms are
- Tightness of chest and wheezing .It can be cured easily.
All symptoms are followed by sudden changes in the weather. The symptoms are
- Severe cough
- Rhinits
- Sneezing
- wheezing
- Sweating
- Dryness of the tongue
- Sleep disturbances
It is also called as Tamaka swasam.
It is otherwise called as Vitchina Swasam.The symptoms are combination of Vali and Iyya
eraippu .
It is otherwise called as Maha Swasam. The symptoms are
- Tightness of the chest .
- Sweating .
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Rigor.
- Giddiness.
- Abdominal distension.
- Irregulariy in speech.
- Body pain.
It denotes the severity of asthma. In this condition immediate hospitalization should be
done. The symptoms are
- Inability to breathe.
- Dryness of mouth.
- Inability to speak.
- Breathing through mouth.
- Tears in eyes.
- I have come across lot of cases of bronchial asthma in my medical practice.
- For all the patients routine investigations and proper history were taken.
- Usually they contact me in the chronic stage, 80%of them, were had history of asthma for the past 10yrs.
- Siddha Medicines were prepared especially according to each and every individual condition.
- For all patients Siddha medicines, given under proper anupanam and pathiyam.
- Response to Siddha medicine and relieve of symptoms are excellent during treatment.
- All patients are advised to avoid dried fish, packed food, tinned food, and refrigerated food, bottle drinks etc.
- All are advised to take fresh foods and healthy food to improve their immunity power.
- After 40 days treatment, in acute stages, they got very good relief in symptoms and they have no episodes of wheezing. If it occur, it should be tolerable.
- After 90 days treatment, 80% of them got successful results .
- After that I advised them to take some preventive medicines with regular interval according to each individual condition and severity of symptoms.
- The interval may be 3months once or 6 months once or yearly once 40 days according to their severity of the disease.
It is true in my practice, that Siddha medicine have a
Wonderful effect on bronchial asthma.
Sir, I catch cold very frequently and sneeze daily morning. This was my case from age 15-24. Now my age is 26 and suffer breathing problems once in 3 weeks. Earlier doctors suspected was sinus but now they relate with Asthuma. I'm allergic. How can I be treated?
visit vasu medical website to get complete information about Asthma Treatment In Columbus. we provide better health care to our patients
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