Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Male reproductive system consist of following


  • 2 testes

  • 2 epidydimis

  • 2 vas deferens

  • 2 spermatic cord

  • 2 seminal vesicle

  • 2 ejaculatory duct

  • 1 prostate gland

  • 1 penis

Normally testicles produce sperm, which is situated within

the scrotum. Scrotum is a pouch ,deeply pigmented

skin ,fibrous, connective tissue, smooth muscle. From the

testicles the sperm flows through epidydimis, vasdeferens,

seminal ducts. Epidydimis is a tortuous tubule formed by

combination of tubules at the upper pole of the

testis.Epidydimis leaves the scrotum as vasdeferens in the

spermatic cord. The spermatozoa, becomes more mature in

the epidydimis, vasdeferens.

There are two spermatic cord one leading from each testis, consists of

  • 1 testicular artery

  • 1testicular venous plexus

  • Lymph vessels

  • 1 ductus deferens

  • Nerves. They all are responsible for ejaculation.

Seminal vesicles:

They are two in numbers. It is fibro muscular pouch, lying on the posterior

aspect of the bladder. At its lower end each seminal vesicle opens in to short

duct, which joins with ductus deferens to form ejaculatory duct. They

secretes a viscous fluid which keeps the spermatozoa alive.

Ejaculatory duct:

It is formed by the union of ductus deferens and duct of seminal vesicle, it

passes through prostatic gland joins with Prostatic part of urethra, carrying

seminal fluid and spermatozoa to urethra.

Prostate gland:

It lies within the pelvic cavity in front of the rectum and behind symphysis

pubis, surrounding first part of urethra. It also Secretes a lubricating fluid ,

passes in to urethra.


In male urethra is a common pathway for urine and semen. It has three parts.

1. Prostatic part.
2. Membraneous part.
3. Spongy part.

Prostatic part:

It originates from the urethral orifice of the bladder and passes through prostate gland.

Membranous part:

It is the shortest and narrowest part of urethra. It extends from the prostate

gland to bulb of penis.

Spongy part:

It is otherwise called as penile urethra.

It lies within the corpus spongiosum of penis and terminates at the external

urethral orifice in the glans penis.


  • It is the male copulatory organ.

  • It conducts sperm and urine.

  • It lies in front of the scrotum.

  • It has root and body.

  • Root is made up of a pair of crurapenis and bulb of penis.

  • Through the bulb the urethra passes.


It is covered by thin skin and it’s made up of three cylindrical masses of

erectile tissue and involuntary muscle. The erectile tissues are one pair of

corpuscavernosa and single corpusspongisoum. The spongiosum is

anteriorly expanded in a triangular shaped structure called glanspenis. Above

the glanspenis the skin itself folded in double layered, called prepuce. Penis

is supplied by autonomic nerves and somatic nerves.Parasympathetic

stimulation leads to engorgement with blood and erection of penis.


Male reproductive organs are stimulated by gonodotrophic hormones from

anterior lobe of pituitary gland. Normally, testicles in the scrotum produce

sperm, from the testes it passes through epidydimis, ductus

deferens,seminalvesicle, ejaculatory duct and urethra. From the urethra the

sperm to be implanted in female vagina during coitus.Sucessful

spermatogenesis takes place at a temperature about 3*c lower than

normal body temperature.


Semen is the thick sperm containing fluid which is ejaculated during coitus.

Its normal

Volume - 2.5to 5 ml.

Count :40to100 million/ml.

Motility- is about 60%.

P H-7.2to7.8.

It is made up of

  • Spermatozoa.

  • Seminal fluid, which facilitates motility.

  • Fructose which nourishes spermatozoa.

  • Lubricating fluid from prostate gland.

  • Mucus secreted by glands of urethra.

Problems with the production or flow of sperm may affect male fertility. With

treatment, such as medicine and sperm extraction, your infertility may be

resolved and your partner may conceive. Towards this article we all are well

known about the anatomical structure and physiological functions of male

reproductive system.

I am treating all male sexual disorders successfully, since

13yrs with specially made Siddha medicines.

1 comment:

Mayank said...

I diagnosed Azoospermia 3 year back i got married. My Fsh. LH. and prolactin reports are normal and my semen count is Kindly give guidence what should i do.
With regards,
Mayank parekh.
My E-mail