Friday, August 5, 2011

How SiddhaMedicine helpful in the treatment of pcod

Siddha system of medicine is oldest among Indian medical system. Since it has no side

effects it is used all around the world today. Siddha medicines have been etching

attention worldwide in recent times; it is mainly because of its ability to offer treatment for

major degenerative, chronic ailments that cannot be cured by others. Siddha medicine

treats disease to its roots, without leasing any traces for it to reappear.

What is pcod?

Nowadays pcod is a common problem of female infertility. It is mainly due to hormonal

imbalance, where maturing eggs fail to be expelled from the ovary, creating an ovary filled

with immature follicles. It affects 15-20% of women population. It affects all races. It is

most commonly seen at the age of 12-45years and is a leading cause of infertility. PCOD

women have fewer chances to conceive, when compared to normal women. Normally

women get 12 chances in a year to conceive. But pcod women hardly get 3-4 chances

due to their anovulatory cycles.

What are hormones?

Hormones are secretion of endocrine glands; they discharge their secretion in to the

blood stream, from where they are carried to specific organs and tissues called target

organs. They have exercising specific biological action on these target organs. Generally

there are two hormones secreted by the ovary. They are oestrogen and progesterone.

Effect of estrogen:

They are produced by the cells of developing graffian follicles. estrogen is responsible for

growth and development of female reproductive organs namely uterus, ovaries,

fellopiantubes, endometrium, cervix, vaginal mucous membrane and female secondary


Effect of progesterone:

Progesterone is mainly secreted by the corpus luteum of the ovary and it also formed

from the placenta, adrenal cortex and testes. The main function of progesterone is to

preparation of endometrium for the implantation of the fertilized ovum for conception. It

also stimulates growth and development of mammary gland. The suppression of

ovulation and menstruation during pregnancy is due the action of progesterone. It also

increases the B.M.R (Basic metabolic rate) during menstruation period from 14-28 days.

Hormonal Imbalance?? :

A hormone imbalance is a condition, when there is too little or too much of a

Particular hormone in one's own body.

Normal physiology of ovary:

Ovaries are female gonads. They are homologous to the testis in male. They

are oval shaped, dull white in colour and situated one on each side of the uterus. Ovaries are

connected with uterus by ovarian ligament. Ovaries play very important role in all activities of a

woman till death.

The main functions of the ovaries are to release eggs in the time of ovulation and to produce

hormones. The ovaries are controlled by the pituitary glands, they get impulses from the pituitary

gland through the FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), and secrete oestrogen,progesterone. The i

nteraction between the gonadotrophic hormones from the pituitary gland and the sex hormones

from the ovary controls the monthly cycle(menstruation) of a woman and ovulation.

About 500,000 immature eggs are present in the cortex of the ovary at birth. Starting at puberty,

eggs mature successively, and breaks through the ovarian wall about every 28 days in the process

known as ovulation, it continues until menopause (cessation of reproductive functioning in the

female). After its release from the ovary, the ovum passes into fallopian tube and into the uterus. If

the ovum is fertilized by the sperm (male reproductive cell), pregnancy ensues.

Commonly seen symptoms of PCOD:

  • Hirsutism: (Excessive hair growth in woman, refers to a male pattern of hair, i.e. in the moustache and beard areas (chin), or occurring more thickly than usual on the limbs).
  • Oligomennorhoea: (It is the medical term used to describe infrequent or light menstruation)
  • Infertility:(History of infertility, despite regular, unprotected intercourse as irregular ovulation reduces the chances of pregnancy each month).
  • Painful ovulation:(Mid cycle pain indicating painful ovulation– due to the enlargement and blockage of the surface of the ovaries).
  • Positive family history:(A sister, mother, or grandmother with similar history of pcod).
  • Obesity:
  • Ammenorrhoea:(Absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age. )

  • Acne:(Acne is a common skin disease that causes pimples).
  • DUB:(Dysfunctional uterine bleeding).
  • Virilisation:(Virilisation means increased male physical appearance in females).


  • Genetic predisposition.

  • Autosomal transmission.

  • Gene responsible for increased ovarian susceptibility to insulin stimulation of androgen secretion while blocking follicular formation.

Risk factor of pcod:

Some of the common risk factors of pcod are

  • Miscarrige.

  • Heart disease.

  • Development of type II diabetes. (Non insulin dependent)

  • Elevated cholesterol.

  • At least 7 times risk of MI and ischaemic heart disease of other woman.

  • By the age of 40yrs up to 40% develop type II diabetes or impaired glucose intolerance.

Common Investigations of pcod :

1. FSH & LH levels with ratio - The levels of FSH & LH vary according to the stage of menstruation, but the ratio FSH-LH should always be < 2. In PCOD we see a ratio of around 4 and above.

2. Polycystic ovary on HSG(Hystosalphingogram).

3.Pelvic ultrasound shows a honeycomb of partially developed follicles (eggs) coating the ovaries.

My clinical experience about PCOD:

  • In my experience, pcod nowadays become a big problem for female infertility. I have seen lot of cases at young age (starts on 18-21yrs), having pcod.
  • In my experience, I have noted many common symptoms among pcod patients.
  • 90%of them having irregular menstrual pattern, 3-4 months once 3-5 days .80% of them having positive family history.

  • All pcod women are not obese,
  • All pcod women are not infertile,
  • All pcod women are not diabetic,
  • All pcod women are not having acne,
  • For each and every patient the symptoms were different.
  • Also When a patient associated with obesity I prescribe some anti obesity siddhamedicines.

  • Generally I advise all my patients to reduce their body weight. I use specially prepared medicine for every patient according to each individual complaint.

  • Pcod is not a life threatening problem, it can be treated by our wonderful siddhamedicines.

  • Before treatment the patient’s condition was noted properly.Normally I explained all the facts involving in our treatment.
  • First I regularise their menstrual cycle, I advise them some pathiyams also.
  • Siddha medicines directly work on the uterus with in 20-30 days treatment .Patients got regular menstruation with in continuous 3 months treatment, all other symptoms like acne,dub,hirsute are reduced gradually.

Patients are 100% satisfied with our treatment. In my experience

siddhamedicines are very effective in treating all uterine problems including



progenyivfsurrogacy said...

In vitro fertilisation ((IVF)
Eggs are removed from the ovaries and fertilised with sperm in a laboratory dish before being placed in the woman’s womb. IVF literally means ‘fertilisation in glass’, giving us the familiar term ‘test tube baby’.
Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
ICSI involves injecting a single sperm directly into an egg in order to fertilise it. The fertilised egg (embryo) is then transferred to the woman’s womb.

Best Infertility Treatment in India

Embryo Donation India

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Hello doctor,
Reading your blog really gave me hope.

my wife is31,has pcod problem & no ovulation.currently is under ayurvedic treatment. Can we get child?