- In male various symptoms develop ,eg,palpitation,breathlessness,tiredness,chest pain, weakness, lack of energy,loss of concentration, insomnia,etc.
- In females include nervousness, fatigue, depression, backpain,
dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, loss of temperament lead to unhappy family life.
Sexual dysfunction refers to a problem during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the individual or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the sexual activity.
The common sexual disorders are the following
- Impotence or erectile dysfunction
- Loss of orgasm or delayed or inhibited orgasm.
- Pre mature ejaculation.
- Loss of libido or lack of sexual interest.
- Fear of impending marriage.
- Senility.
- Hostility towards wife.
- Fear of masturbation.
- Excessive worries and anxieties.
- Local genital disease of the female partner.
- Problems in the relationship with the sexual partner can lead to sexual dysfunction.
- Diabetes
- Peripheral neuritis.
- Alcohol.
- Neurosyphilis.
- Disseminated sclerosis.
- Chronic malnutrition.
- Myxodema.
- Cardiac diseases.
- Obesity.
- Gonorrhea.
- Diseases of prostate.
- Diseases of the brain.
- Diseases of the urinary bladder, neck , urethra.
- Opium and Morphine.
- Barbiturates.
- Alcohol.
- Phenothiazines.
- Nicotine.
- Reserpine.
- Female hormones.
- Anti hypertensive including sympatholytics are also responsible.
- Age
- Medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease
- Neurological conditions including or arising from dementia, multiple sclerosis, stroke, or spinal cord or back injury.
- Pelvic trauma, prostate surgery, previous priapism (painful erection), prolonged bike riding (> 4 hours/week, depending on seat and posture)
- Depression and stress
- High blood pressure
- Obesity
- Increased cholesterol
- Smoking
- Certain drugs (some antidepressants, particularly SSRIs; diuretics; and others)
- Alcohol and recreational drugs such as cocaine and heroin may initially stimulate sexual arousal but they are harmful.
- Your doctor will ask you to describe the problem and will ask questions to help determine whether the cause is physical, psychological, or a combination of both.
- A general physical examination, including examination of the penis and testicles, will be performed, and other tests may be done to evaluate your health.
- Blood tests may be done to determine if there is a hormonal problem contributing to sexual dysfunction.
Also known as erectile dysfunction .It is defined as the inability of a male to attain and/or maintain an erection of penis during copulation.
Above the age of 65 years 25% o males develop impotence. Most of the cases have a psychogenic cause.
Loss of orgasm is also called as inhibited orgasm is purely due to psychosomatic rather than organic,particularly when libido and erection of penis are normal.
It is a condition where a male ejaculates and reaches to an orgasm before penetration.There are different types of pre mature ejaculation .They are
1.Premature ejaculation — This refers to ejaculation that occurs before or soon after penetration.
2.Inhibited or retarded ejaculation —This is when ejaculation does not occur.
3.Retrograde ejaculation — This occurs when, at orgasm, the ejaculate is forced back into the bladder rather than through the urethra and out the end of the penis.
Premature ejaculation, the most commonest form of sexual dysfunction in men, often is due to performance anxiety during sex. Intercourse after long intervals may also result in prematureejaculation.
In some cases, premature and inhibited ejaculation are caused by psychological factors, including a strict religious background that causes the person to view sex as sinful, a lack of attraction for a partner and past traumatic events.
Retrograde ejaculation is most common in males with diabetes who suffer from diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage). This is due to problems with the nerves in the bladder and the bladder neck that allow the ejaculate to flow backward. In other men, retrograde ejaculation occurs after operations on the bladder neck or prostate, or after certain abdominal operations.
In addition, certain medications, particularly those used to treat mood disorders, may cause problems with ejaculation.
It is also called as lack of sexual interest .It has been associated with low levels of the hormone testosterone. It also may be caused by psychological problems, such as anxiety and depression; medical illnesses such as diabetes and high blood pressure; certain medications, including some anti-depressants; and relationship difficulties.
1.Common investigation relating to underlying cause should be done.
2.Serum testerosterone , prolactin, FSH, and LH should done.
3Ultra sonogram should be done if needed.
- After analysing the history the case should be treated according to the underlying cause.Suggestions and discussions relieve tension and stimulate self confidence.
- For psychological causes of sexual dysfunction, such as relationship problems, counseling, either individually or as a couple, may be beneficial.
- Sexual therapy with a therapist who specializes in sexual dysfunction may also help.
- Depression or anxiety disorders may need treatment.
- Any physical problems that may be affecting sexual function should be addressed.
- If a medication is interfering with sexual function, it may be possible to change or discontinue the medication.
- Prescription medications that treat erectile dysfunction may help a man achieve and maintain erections.
- Hormonal treatment, such as testosterone replacement therapy, may help with hormone imbalances that are contributing to sexual dysfunction.
veeriamatranilai.Our siddhars described in many books about male infertility and male sexualdisorders.
One of the great siddhar YUGIMUNI told that
“paarkavae aan mahanin vinthu thanum
Pathamana thippu iilatha thalum
Yerkavae salameethil mithapa thalum
Yaelilaha yur patru yirupa thalum
kavae mothirathil nurai than poolum
eyalana karuvathuvum tharika matta
Theerkavae yugi muni sikicha saarum
Thelvaha padi vaithar thirami thane.”
Meaning of the above is
1. Weight less semen ie low specific gravity.
2.The semen which contain no sweet taste.
3. Semen that contain dead sperms.
- In my clinical practice, I met various types of such cases, the sufferers are disturbed physically and mentally.
- The problem is about sex, as we know that it is a part of our life, when it gets affected this reflects will induce many problems.
- I carefully deal such cases .
- Primarily, I counsell the couple .
- During the counseling , I judge them whether the patient is having physical or mental or organic problems .
- According to each individual , usually I took minimum 1-2 hrs for counseling.
- Next I go through investigations.
- Almost 80% of cases having unsatisfactory sexual life due to various reasons.
- Siddha medicine were separately prepared for each patient according to their complaints, ie some may have loss of libido, or some may have ejaculatory problems , or some may have erectile dysfunction.
- Usually they got improvement within 40 days treatment , some may require 3months -6 months treatment according to their condition.
- In my 12 years experience in this field male sexual disorders are not a serious illness, but it is a necessity of our routine life.
- I treat such a lot of cases they all got 99%improvement in their condition.
- So I have very much confidently and easily treat them.
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Consult Dr. S. A. Roy “Best Unani Physician 2006” Hakim Ajamal Khan global award winner for Scientific Therapy, Counseling and Non-Surgical Solutions for Male Impotence, Infertility, Ejaculatory Disturbances, Venereal Disorders & All Private Diseases of Men and Women… more details check www.roymedical.com
Sex is a very important factor for the normal physical and mental Development of an individual, can i say if i have one strange sexual disorders for the time I feel like having sex or in the mornings is normal to have those desires
I think the first important thing to do when you have ED is to have a proper diagnosis of why you have it. There are many pharmacy no rx today that offers medications for ED, you just have to look for the one that works for you.
Erectile dysfunction is typically treated with oral medication, Sildenafil (Viagra) being the first of such drugs approved by the FDA for such use. However, use of medical treatment of erectile dysfunction (or more commonly known as Impotence) has a certain failure rate which ranges from 30 - 45%.
Male sexual dysfunction
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Thanks for sharing the information related to treatment of male sexual disorder . At this time most of the male suffering premature ejaculation .
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He heals and solve most of the problems & sickness which are failed to be healed by other doctors/healers. He solve bad luck, pregnancy problems, lost lover, sexual weakness, early ejaculation, witch-crafts, broken marriage, poverty, debts trouble, divorce, court cases, domestic problems, gambling losses, Lost jobs, promotions at work, Do you need penis enlargement? Do you need many children? Are you tired of jealousy people, Evil dreams, all long illnesses, blood pressure, HIV & aids, skin infections? etc. He use strong herbs & magic spells as well as powerful ancestors. Get healed today by this greatest miracle doctor who has healed many people through his experienced ancestors. Join the rest of the world to cerebrate his miracle healing s. he can even read and tell you your problems before you say anything to him. He can connect you to talk to the spirit of a deceased of your family member or friend. .he can also tell you your future through reading palm, play card, a mirror/water. He uses many ways of healing just to make sure that he certify his clients all over the world. he is the only traditional healer who does fully corresponds with all religious beliefs. contact on the email address at fiokporspiritualtemple@gmail.com
Long lasting pre mature ejaculation can be created by a substance lopsidedness in essential mind focuses that brings down the edge for discharge. As these men require less incitement, discharge can happen sooner than wanted Erectile Dysfunction. Mental issues, including execution tension, may be auxiliary to deep rooted untimely discharge as opposed to being the essential driver.
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